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Dec 29 2021

News Story: At-home COVID tests hard to come by, flying off Region shelves

Northwest Indiana Times | Joseph S. Pete | December 29, 2021

COVID-19 home tests have been flying off store shelves and have become increasingly hard to come by in Northwest Indiana.

Retailers have been picked clean of at-home tests after a run before the holidays and because of the rise in Omicron cases and COVID deaths, which hit a new record high in the state on Monday.

“The demand increased prior to the holidays because families wanted to get together safely, ensuring no one was positive, so they bought up at-home tests,” said Amy Lopez, health clinic vice president and executive director of Regional Health Systems’ primary care division. “The omicron variant added to the public’s demand for at-home tests, as well, leading to the current situation.”

Read the full story at Northwest Indiana Times.